
Drop your Asparagus in my Tureen

Help a poor man fill his pretty dreamGive me pennies, I’ll take anythingNow listen while I playAsparagus tureen Photo by Sandys.

Meat Hammer

Double sided! Perfect for pounding your meat! Photo by Sandy.

Mohawk kitchen stove

I love that little tile, and all the ironwork is just lovely. I believe this was made by Bridge, Beach & Co. of St. Louis.

Waring MiXOR

Fred Waring was a musician, bandleader, and radio and television personality… and also a promoter, financial backer and eponym of the Waring Blendor, the first… Read More »Waring MiXOR

Dazzle-painted teaset

The patterns on this angular teaset remind me of dazzle camouflage from WWI. Photo by Grasons.