Nutty clock
‘I need to disguise my clock as something unobtrusive, like a diorama of a squirrel and an acorn.’ Photo by Blue Moon.
‘I need to disguise my clock as something unobtrusive, like a diorama of a squirrel and an acorn.’ Photo by Blue Moon.
Photo by HR UR.
Reminds me of Penn and Teller’s Agua de Culo. Photo by Sweet Memories.
Photo by JK.
Photo by Tristan.
Photo by Waterbury.
It’s not just my warped and pessimistic view of life in an uncaring universe, is it? This bear is clearly evil.Photo by Grasons.
Personally I prefer wine made from grapes. Photo by True Legacy.
There seems to be some argument about the proper collective noun for giraffes. Herd certainly works, but is too pedestrian. Kaleidoscope is a bit too… Read More »A Tower of Giraffes