The pillow that wins all the staring contests
No surprise, there was also a ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ mug (and a lot of other feline objects) here. Photo by Victoria’s Vintage.
No surprise, there was also a ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ mug (and a lot of other feline objects) here. Photo by Victoria’s Vintage.
Lawsuit against Manson on behalf of a relative of a victim. Photo by Handled.
It’s alarming enough that this thing exists. What’s worse is there are at least a half dozen of them for different songs (and they were… Read More »Garfield La Cucaracha Music Box
Photo by Grasons.
Why not both? Photo by Golden Rabbit.
Wow, Haunted House! That wakes some memories. Photo by Downsizing Solutions.
This is only a small subset of all the Egyptiana at this place. Photo by Gold Standard.
Pacific Standard Time! Er, no. This clock registers Howdy Doody Time. Photo by Estate Sale Emporium.
Photo by Hidden Treasure.
Photo by Tristan.