Mrs. John Mitchell Thank You Note to Universal Studios PR Guy – TIL in Watergate

There were a bunch of these notes. It looks like the wives of Nixon’s Cabinet (and Mrs. Agnew) got a special tour at Universal and enjoyed it a great deal. This one is notable that John Mitchell and his wife were living in Watergate East, and of course Attorney General John Mitchell (who was also Nixon’s campaign manager) served 19 months in prison for his role in the Watergate scandal. But there’s more! Martha Mitchell played a minor, but horrifying, role in the matter. Per Wikipedia:

In the days immediately after the Watergate break-in of June 17, 1972, Mitchell enlisted former FBI agent Steve King to prevent his wife Martha from learning about the break-in or contacting reporters. While she was on a phone call with journalist Helen Thomas about the break-in, King pulled the phone cord from the wall. Mrs. Mitchell was held against her will in a California hotel room and forcibly sedated by a psychiatrist after a physical struggle with five men that left her needing stitches. Nixon aides, in an effort to discredit her, told the press that she had a “drinking problem”. Nixon was later to tell interviewer David Frost in 1977 that Martha was a distraction to John Mitchell, such that no one was minding the store, and “If it hadn’t been for Martha Mitchell, there’d have been no Watergate.”

Photo by Tall Rob.