
It’s going to take longer to explain my title than to enjoy the dingus. Well, you’re stuck with it. Here we have the cleverly named American Plastic Bricks. This emphasis on their American-ness seems to exist in opposition to imported foreign plastic bricks, like LEGO of Denmark. LEGO takes precious plastic brick extruding jobs away from hardworking American plastic brick extruders. Anyway, this implicit shade being thrown on the Danes makes me think immediately of Lars von Trier’s Riget (really, everyone should see this spooky ghost story). In the miniseries, the Swedish Stig sometimes vents his frustration at the Danes by shouting or muttering Danskjävlar! Depending on your subtitle settings, this may show up as “Danish scum!” or worse. Also, I note that these bricks were produced by ELGO. ELGO? LEGO? What kind of conspiracy is this? Anyway, here we are, a long paragraph later and not much the wiser for it. Some old toys done in by global trade and a sneaky Scandinavian socialist state.

Photo by A Vintage Walk